Monday, December 22, 2008

Entrepreneurial Santa

Reply to: [?]
Date: 2008-12-20, 2:35PM MST

Since I began my US travels, my purpose for these writings have provided multiple new purposeful ideas, and profits. Capitalism, Raising capital, is just like raiSING CAPITAL, pushing a button. I watched Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, or as much as I could as I ran around cleaning the house. I guess it was near the end, as Mr Smith filibustered the court and everyone was forced to listen to him until he can no longer speak. I must watch the movie as it choked me up.

So as I was multitasking today, thought about building a team with Cliff and Kyle. Both are ready. Got a call last night from Kyle, he is committed to 90 days. Bootcamp. Not sure where cliff is on the matter. First lesson to teach, starting today at work - Look for ways to work together tonight. Go about your shift as usual yet let's look for ways to work together. Underlining lesson - as you look for ways to help the other person do a better job, you are creating more value and will be compensated both through anticipating the others move that will pay dividends as you continue to work together.

I see so many ways to impact lives through service. The idea of asserting my financial muscle is ringing in my ears. My thoughts of driving home in Audi show a positive sign - there was a silver one at jordans auto lot. Black Audi RS6, $10k in cash what a beautiful day and feeling of driving home for Christmas. Santa the full list is that experience for pre christmas and $3.3m total combined janurary 2 for to allocate as I please as long it lasts for 3 years and creates $20 m in value which can be in either profit, salary, purchases of goods and services.

I feel excited as my world is becoming clearer. Got startled earlier yet motivated now. Yes Santa the added purpose of this letter: I am seeking an opportunity that is ideal. Running multiple divisions of a corporation seems to make me smile. Know the detail of what that entails and commitment.


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