Friday, September 28, 2007

As I plan on posting - 13 Stones business plan to the fliepan corporate site and/or the 13 stone site, I am quite proud of the introduction, which has been coined by many as my Manifesto.

The purpose of this document in its entirety, and specifically the next two pages is to provide you, the reader, with some insight and a brief background of my ideology and me. Without knowing who I am, where I have “come” from, or what I believe in, a positive-educated decision on your part, may not be forthcoming, as a decision not to act is a decision. As I have come to appreciate, your decision will not be so determined on the following business enterprises viability and profitability, as you experience it’s success each day as you purchase products in your daily life, yet more so on my ability to do what I am proposing. Put more simply, whether you think I can.

I am in the business of “business”. I define business as a systematized monetary platform that derives and delivers value and income for the benefit of all involved in a Company to experience and live a life they want. The Company becomes the vehicle for which to grow and improve the experience and lives of its Clients, Family, Investors, Partners, and Shareholders. The business foundation is created and set by the principals’ involved and their guiding principle’s as it pertains to family, life, love, joy, religion, and success (to name a few); and the amalgamation of those beliefs translated purposely unto and into the Company through the varying business interests.

As many of you know, I have always been a student of business and have taken great pride in reading, researching, and absorbing anything involved with business and the art of earning and creating value. Through my studies I have dabbled in various industries, held numerous positions, and started a couple of companies. I have sold both tangible products and intangible ideas successfully and profitability. Without going into any great detail in any one area, through my experiences and studies I have determined that the following business venture provides 5 key elements for success:

1. Ease of entry into industry

2. Minimal capital required

3. Ability to provide service each day

4. Ability to be profitable and returning invested capital within 90 days

5. A systematic business platform can be easily designed to build and grow

I have uncovered these elements through both research and experiencing the business in question. Granted, no business venture is guaranteed success and/or profits yet I can promise you that my success and your success are and will be directly related. As I have experienced many challenging ventures, I have come to appreciate there is really only two rules of business;

1. Don’t lose capital

2. Don’t forget rule number one

As I hope you see yourself, I have adopted the ideology of being an Allocator of Capital. As you consider allocating your capital, specifically your monies, I have taken to the allocation of my time and money and to the profitable management of our capital, to grow, so that we may enjoy and benefit from continued expansion, schooling, and mastery in the art of business.

As you read the following proposal, I have attempted to present and communicate the business effectively and efficiently, not so much simply as I chose to use the terms and words of the industry and you may not be versed in the terminology currently. The business is simple to understand and I have provided you the means by which I will report the operating activities, hence, expose and educate you on the terms I have found to be utilized throughout the industry so you may have a guide as you compare the Company to another embarking in the same line of business.

Please keep in mind that the plans that follow are not set in stone and more than likely will change. What will not change and what I want you to hold unto is the end goal. The goals will be achieved, that should not be so much of a concern. How we will achieve them may call for a reworking of plans, where I will need your faith, support, and positive energy. For some this may not be an easy task and will more than likely test your character and faith in me. To this I answer, similar to when you are driving at night along a dark road with no streetlights and your high beams on, you only have the ability to see approximately 200 feet ahead, yet you trust that the road continues and you will reach your destination. I present this analogy as a practiced and a philosophical thought. I have been researching the transportation industry for 2 years, obtained my commercial driving license (CDL) in May 2007, and spent June – August 2007 on the road driving trucks, to learn:

1. The needs and wants of a truck driver

2. How to find and negotiate freight to transport profitably

3. The business challenges by communicating with persons in the industry.

From this information and the study of other companies in the industry, I have uncovered and accumulated ways of doing business that should ensure a profitable enterprise. These “ways” of operating profitably include many varying variables that are known and others to be discovered through the actual operations of the business.

This Company is focused on maintaining the foundation of its Clients, Family, Investors, Partners and Shareholders, while improving your experience through creativity and passion.

Our success is built on a strategic foundation –

· Destined People

· Disciplined Thought

· Discipline Action

Combined with a quality service and relationship, mutual trust, integrity, and financial capacity.

The objectives of the Company:

1. Be a profitable enterprise that creates the freedom to maximize opportunities as they become available

2. Recruit self-motivated, goal driven, philosophical-oriented, creative, and passionate, positive thinking partners

3. Develop a solid, turn-key monetary identity in our targeted market areas

4. Realize a positive return on an investment within 9 months of acquisition

5. Invest in great firms at great prices. Invest for reoccurring revenue that will outlast the Energizer bunny.

As I am a student of Warren E. Buffett, I have adopted many of his corporate design(s), investment criteria and principles, and look to him and his business platform for business guidance. I have taken a holistic view of creating the ideal business platform and feel that I have identified a business driver for growth and expansion. More important than the capital I seek, I want business advisors and mentors in Banking, Logistics, Insurance (Property and Casualty), Strategic Corporate Investments, and Real Estate Development fields. If you, or someone you know, have the experience and skill set in one of these areas, I would really appreciate an opportunity to discuss further. Please contact me and/or pass along this plan with my contact information.

In closing, I would like to thank you in advance for considering my business proposal. I welcome all feedback and look forward to collecting the thoughts of my peers.

Thank you,

James A. Gore

Well what can I say. Its been a whirlwind of a couple of months. I was on the road, traveling around the eastern part of the US in a truck. It was truly amazing and another life altogether. After driving for a few months, I created 13 Stones to bring my transportation vision to fruition. Its been a phase of "commitments", specifically 8/31/07 but that will be for another day, another blog, or shall I say my journals for my kids to read.

After writing my business plan, I began implementing my plan and leased my first truck and hired a driver. 9/17/07. Got it on the road in 3 days where I began earning money as I returned to Atlanta. It feels good to bring an idea to fruition and begin reaping the awards or income. I am planning on bringing on my next truck(s), I am not sure why but the common logic in the industry is accumulate trucks in odd numbers. Its good to see I am on the cusp of logic as I have visualized operating 13.

My research has been steady as I have been understanding trading options. I still have a steep learning curve as I have yet to find a suitable mentor, although the stories of the Turtles has struck an accord. However, I did come across "The Science of Success" by Charles G. Koch. His book was amazing and written in the same fashion, geared to the same audience (employee, recruits, and investor/partners). The opening was just amazing and I literally read the book in one sitting.

Philosophically, I have adopted an attitude of ease and going with the flow of life. I have been concentrating on what I want, visualizing the end, and appreciating the journey. I realizing the I am the creator of my reality and that I manifest beautifully and everything always works out. All in all a great place to be, me in the time -space reality.