Friday, September 03, 2010

The wonders of the world. You are the world. Be conscious of the words you choose to say to yourself and communicate to others. Meditation, clear thought, and focus. Good and great things are coming to you. Start the vibe mentally, the energy is available to you and your world. Stay steady my friend as you are about to be amazed at your world creating capabilities.

"My life" - The Game, oozing through the speakers. Keep true, hold your thoughts. Be steel. You are about to embark on another journey, a journey of all your control. Howard Roarke, Howard Roarke, can you be you - hold true to being you. Fuck the past, nothing more than mis-creation.

I sit back and I realize the fun too I have had in the "A", so who now is the A. You are my friend. Hold steady, meditate, stay focused....your worlds are being created. Whatever you want is available.

Radio Pandora - B.Buff is playing your A tunes and got you pumped. Be you bro - you have been planning all your life for the opportunities in front of you and available to you. You stayed true to your word with everyone, almost to the detriment to yourself. I and the world is proud of you. How will we show our thanks - poof - all your mental mountains are gone - what will you think about next with all that gone - Buildings, Skyscrapers, Pulitzer Prizes, and space travel.....your time is now and everyday until you decide. Until you decide.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

So life continues as I remove made up barriers and ideas and move to familiar pasteurs, I smile crooked and nervously. Stay to true to you, whoever you are and will to be. Not everything works out, not everyone believes as you do and thats okay. Be you, dear reader always be you. I will not apologize for specific ideas, feelings, nor removing those same ideas, stickers, and pictures from view. I am proud of you, or should I say me, as if the reader will not comprehend. Why settle, why worry about things that are not currently in front of you nor worth worrying about. You read others ideas who state the same thoughts - live today like its your last, learn like you will live forever. So I take this as a means to learn. Two pictures is good enough, those pictures were never meant for you - so let them go to their intended parties. Yes I am sad yet I am tired of being sad.

I released a lot of dramas - and continue on the right thinking path. Choose to be the one, shit I know there is only one worth worrying about. I have finally except my thoughts and state today forward, "Through my will power, I dare to do what I want to - and the first thing I dare is to believe and dream to live and experience the most successful, happy life that has ever lived or will live. Through my will power, I dare to be what I want to - I dare to be a man of high character, the one's whose word is bond for my family and friends alike.

To you who inspired this release and relief, Good luck was my last words to you. As I write today, communicating through my will power, I dare to hold those thoughts of good thoughts for you and yours. Even that idea makes me sick yet as I Rehab myself, I forgive you. Goodbye and Good luck. As I erase and delete to never be seen again, its time to move on. Thank you God, yes you - I have always believed just at times let me thoughts get the best of me to bring you into my picture. Thank you Jay Z for all your inspiration and my new 99 problems.