Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dear Santa

Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here [?]
Date: 2008-12-17, 12:06AM EST

As you know, I am an entrepreneur and I want the thought freedom to live the life that I have been dreaming about with a set amount of money for me to invest into my ideas and creations. As my business education rivals the best business schools in the world, and yes I am wanting to test the statement, my wish this year is $3.3 million dollars for me to invest $1600 a day for the next 4 years into my passions that rival Richard Branson and Warren Buffett. Yes if you do the math, there is a lump sum available. Have you listened to the new T.I Album, paper trail. Its a damn good album as it speaks to me on many levels. And proudly I would like to announce that Bandlink software(ehancement), my brother and I created, formed a company around and sold to the world, is on the CD.

Santa my Christmas wish this year is to go out and buy an Audi RS6, drive home with $10k cash in my pocket and have a great Christmas with my family and friends. I prepare for the New Year with the ability to do, study, and travel to the places I have planned with the first being Obamas Inauguration. That would be way cool to go with my brother, niece, nephew, and of course ma and pa. I know I am lucky.

Oh yeah Santa, the ideal job is what I want. I began reading Howard Schultz's - Pour your hear into it. How that man has inspired me. Would love to work for him, would love to start as a barista to CEO. Oh yes I have thought about it Santa as you know, even have an appointment Dec 29 - I have been a good little boy Santa so the perfect divine design is our motto.

Yes, Yes, Yes the purpose of the letter. The perfect job is what I want, with the perfect people, doing the perfect things - its just those things that we decide as people do. Okay the ideal world Santa, Alger Horatio where are you it is time to bless my world.

I truly am looking for a gig (and I am not saying gig lightly). If you could see my study the men I admire our all top notch individuals worth a billion or more. The one thing I learned from studying them and others is the ability to get things done. Not because they had to, they want to. My goal is to meet every single one of those men. Ted Turner, my men of men. How he inspired me so much to move to Atlanta when the opportune time was presented. I put myself in his circle twice, stared into his eyes as he stared in mine, I said thanks both times, he smiled and fell back into a girls bosom. How I go off on these tirades. So in my search for Santa, I am going to write these all over the world up until Christmas in hopes of finding my gift.

Did I mention, I am open to equity, cash percentage, etc...yet isn't this the time for giving nothing but 0's and 1's digits anyhow. The media is showing us that, besides look at those fools or geniuses pending on where you stand. I wish too I would be given blank checks and they are simply accepted them all over the world, just like american express.

If you have or know of an open position, remember og mandino.


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