Monday, January 08, 2007

I spent the better part of today comparing and refining my one year and 90 day goals. Many were parallel and had me achieve a specific industry line of business opening, operating this year with XX amount of dollars sold and earned. To get better at operating my business I figure that identifying the year-end goals, broken down by quarters, I should achieve the end goal. Yes I know, this is obvious and standard practice in most businesses. It’s funny how we lose the fundamentals. Defense wins games. Defense wins game.

Each goal is part of a bigger picture. My task is to create the initial end game and work backwards. To assist, I have spent day preparing my plan book with a separate entry, instead of the journal style entry prior. As I don’t want to carry more notebooks, I am simply going to dedicate a page to each task, and write and work on that page to create so at the end, I simply able to rip out the pages, type, and easily organized one way to achieve such a task.

I am not going to making any entry to each goal today. Although I did work on them, it was more on the refinement the achievement although clarity of vision, creates the foundation.

Time Schedule
8-10.01 Worked on refining one-year goals and 90-day plan
10.02-11.16 goals and appreciation, daily activity creation
11.16-12.15 read neter, meditated
12.15-12.25 25 puts to the green
12.25-12.47 Wrote in journal
12.48-1.15 read titan 2004/2005 news
1.17-2.58 read fidelity capital income prospectus (2 phone calls, 10 min each)
3.00-4.00 read chapt2 Dale Carnegie

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