Wednesday, February 04, 2009

2020 – February 4…Log Book

Startrek advancements have made getting a fruit roll-up a wonder, an enjoyment, and the best damn experience ever. I was searching for that particular grape flavor, not quite a jolly rancher grape taste, more of a Welch’s grape flavor yet chewable. For whatever reason, I wanted that particular taste and voila a machine appeared. Holodex, Wholodex, Whateverdex brought me Luna.

Luna was a sexy little broad, black boots, overcoat, cat like look and smile. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Her confident walk, straight, consistent, focused and mechanical yet her eyes gazed as if she was floating around in her head. Can I get you a drink, she asks. If you like, I replied. She returns with a yuengling black and tan, while replying, I heard it goes well with grape. She turns away, whisking her jacket hurriedly and disappears.

It’s a mellow mood style vibe, a thievery corporation sound oozing from the walls. She is just dancing in her own little world. She is both the environment and the energy flowing, there is no fighting her power, resist not. Mentally my mind began to dance, intoxicated in the moment, open to the opportunity. Her twirls became closer and closer to me. And in one well-practiced move, she removed her jacket and placed it upon me. By the time I realized what had happened she was standing in front of me topless wearing dark purple underwear that she began to rip off and eat.

She gyrated to the left and right on beat to the music, each time she was ripping a piece of her underwear off and eating it. I was confused and called her with my curiosity of mind and body. The smell was sweet and familiar and I couldn’t quite place the scent with my nose. I rubbed my cheek onto her bottom cheek and tasted her panties with my tongue. I couldn’t believe my taste buds. She was wearing what I have been craving, a grape fruit roll up flavored edible underwear. It was a stroke of genius and happenstance that I fulfilled my request in such a magical, dynamic way.

She danced and twirled, bopped to the left and right, all the while feeding me bits and pieces of her edible panties. I worked my way from one side to the other, eating feverishly for both my appetite and visual reward. The edible dance lasted for approximately 15 minutes and by the time I finished I was so parched that when I saw my beer, I grabbed my half full glass and downed it one swoop. And you know what, it did go well with the grape flavored panties worn by Luna.

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