Sunday, January 07, 2007


Today was spent assessing my past week. As I have learned to be fond of monitoring my time, I allowed today simply to flow and went with my impulses. Focusing on specific tasks for the day is a rewarding experience. I researched the new perimeter retail space (near H. Russell’s Manhattan) for insurance agency retail space. Gauged the foot traffic, prospects, and if any other agency shops are opened or opening for business. Granted there are many office buildings nearby yet I feel if I go with a brand name – it should provide a “realized” capital gain if to know one else but me.

Dale Carnegie – Principle 1 – Don’t criticize, condemn, or complain.

Operating Bond Fund by day 90
January – Read 25 Bond prospectuses
Decided to time read a Fidelity bond prospectus, then add 10 min and schedule the reading of all prospectuses on a similar time basis. Thinking about Goal for the month. Do I strive to open up bond fund or read a specific amount of prospectuses? Just decided. Will read 25 prospectuses.

Earn Sales in 3 lines of Insurance by day 90
January – Find Insurance advisor-mentor-sponsoring agency
Started to think about who would qualify as the best advisor, who would qualify as the best mentor, and what agency would provide the best platform for me to grow quickly. Should I look for an all in one, at least for 3 months, and then determine if the same person(s) still prove to be the best.

Create a guaranteed $5000 income stream by day 90 and for reoccurring for next 3 months
January –
The challenge I am having is determining the appropriate lines. Do I seek out a project, contract work, or placement to achieve goal or do I focus on my intended 3 industries of business. I have weighed both sides and continue to lean toward my 3 industries. Yes, I could go for a project, and then allocate my time. Or I could choose a single industry, build stream in that line and then go into the other industries. Multiple streams of income are my true goal. I have performed each of the following to great success and I love to multi-task. I am happiest when I have a lot of things going on. Today was supposed to be my day off yet as I traveled these here are my thoughts.

Trucking business line open and operating by day 90
January – Get license and/or know when I will have it.
I am really excited about this line of business. Decided to create a business plan around it and give to partner. When I build his website, I will leverage his brand name and expand it to operating in Atlanta. This way it will be a research and development investment.
(Idea – Advertising – Alternating Batman signal light set, snap on’s)

Pay up Bills by day 90. 8730, 17.460 3 months
January – 8730 ($8,565)
Paid up 165 – B.S. Review and Reconcile year, personal and corporate from bank statements.

Add two certificates by day 90
January – Know which 2 certificates
As I read the varying bond prospectuses, I will keep tab on their accreditation. I will monitor the varying certificates and report, which ones come up the most.

Driving Infinity Fx35 by day 90
January – Determine if Lease or Buy
Researched infinity dealers and local owners. 2005’s are hitting the market; price range is 25-32k, and miles low 20’s. As I call on dealers, could lead to auto insurance sales.

Partner with Titan Technology by day 90
January – Set interview meeting for first week of next month.
Create a plan with Wade to get us a meeting whereby we use our skills to partner with Titan for a fee.

One Recruit – Outline, Foreword, Chapter One by day 90
January – Outline

New Business Relationship investment – 19.43 (Cigar shop)

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