I recently have taken up drawing. I purchased an animal drawing book that teaches you the fundamentals through retracing and circular drawing. As I practice my new hobby, I committed to the idea of becoming an artist and what exactly what that means, "to be" to me. As I perfect my new craft, I have set one rule - Wherever my mind roams as I hone my craft, follow it as a possible expression.
My practice today is an elephant. A happily animated elephant. As I was retracing the circles and practicing my shading, I was inspired to search for a school that would serve as a catalyst to my perfect expression. Maybe because of me shading a gray elephant or the idea of Howard Schultz being in mind as I reread his book, "Pour your heart into it", yet Seattle, Washington has popped into my head as the ideal location for a fine art school.
My search was destined as I found AI - The Art Institute of Seattle (www.artinsitutes.edu/seattle). It should serve as a possbile creative fertile ground for many of my graphic, interior, and animation design school desires and ambitions. As I was reviewing many of the varying websites that offered information on the school, the following excerpt from All ArtSchools.com (http://www.allartschools.com/schools/ID1040/) about the Art Institute provided me a succinct oneness, bravo writer:
** Design
Good designers are an interesting breed; they live and breathe in the aesthetic and functional realm. Their discerning eyes notice type treatments on commercials and movie credits. A great-looking chair makes them green with envy.
If you are a kindred soul to this kind of thinking, check out our Design programs:
* Digital Design (D)
* Graphic Design (AAA/BFA)
* Industrial Design (BS)
* Industrial Design Technology (AAA)
* Interior Design (AAA/BFA)
* Residential Design (D)
Maybe its because I am feeling quite enlightened yet when I read those words and descriptions I felt complete, no longer do I need to search.
So what shall I study? I never much thought about the variations of art my newfound hobby would lead me. I am leading towards graphic or digital design, as Walt Disney is a huge inspiration for me. The idea of transforming a doodle into a living being excites and intrigues beyond words. As I reflect, I realize it is the seed that sparked my interest in drawing. To be. To become, the idea, the expression, the spirit of my 10 year fascination and love.
The idea of being in a city of Pikes Peak and the birth of Il Giornale bring a smile to face and appreciate. To the art managers in Seattle. So many fine artists I would love to meet and greet. Not the ones you may think yet the "truest" of artist if there is such a word, at least to me.
The idea is growing legs, far reaching legs. Its possible, its possible and on the destined path. As my hand itches, an instinctual sign of positive thought and attraction. I digress as my put down my pencil and return the smile to my newly drawn gray elephant.