Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dear Santa

Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here [?]
Date: 2008-12-23, 1:07PM PST

Click and Save. Click and Save. All aspects of life runs through my head as I am now aware of an ad time out on craigslist. Of course it was a master piece yet is it really lost. The seed has been planted somewhere in the universe.

Summarize: star ceo athlete (great visual), $3m; $10k cash, Black Audi RS6 2008 - sign on bonus; 2 year contract.

Experience - Hit the goal, do it again.

Skills - idea, skillful, masterly

Knowledge to know I think in business terms. That makes sense to me and how to grow a profit, make a win situation, those little things that grow friendships.


Monday, December 22, 2008

Entrepreneurial Santa

Reply to: res-965321172@craigslist.org [?]
Date: 2008-12-20, 2:35PM MST

Since I began my US travels, my purpose for these writings have provided multiple new purposeful ideas, and profits. Capitalism, Raising capital, is just like raiSING CAPITAL, pushing a button. I watched Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, or as much as I could as I ran around cleaning the house. I guess it was near the end, as Mr Smith filibustered the court and everyone was forced to listen to him until he can no longer speak. I must watch the movie as it choked me up.

So as I was multitasking today, thought about building a team with Cliff and Kyle. Both are ready. Got a call last night from Kyle, he is committed to 90 days. Bootcamp. Not sure where cliff is on the matter. First lesson to teach, starting today at work - Look for ways to work together tonight. Go about your shift as usual yet let's look for ways to work together. Underlining lesson - as you look for ways to help the other person do a better job, you are creating more value and will be compensated both through anticipating the others move that will pay dividends as you continue to work together.

I see so many ways to impact lives through service. The idea of asserting my financial muscle is ringing in my ears. My thoughts of driving home in Audi show a positive sign - there was a silver one at jordans auto lot. Black Audi RS6, $10k in cash what a beautiful day and feeling of driving home for Christmas. Santa the full list is that experience for pre christmas and $3.3m total combined janurary 2 for to allocate as I please as long it lasts for 3 years and creates $20 m in value which can be in either profit, salary, purchases of goods and services.

I feel excited as my world is becoming clearer. Got startled earlier yet motivated now. Yes Santa the added purpose of this letter: I am seeking an opportunity that is ideal. Running multiple divisions of a corporation seems to make me smile. Know the detail of what that entails and commitment.


Dear Santa

Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here [?]
Date: 2008-12-22, 11:44AM MST

Consistency is the key. 5 cities (Atl, Dallas, Chicago..to name a few) and still going strong. Great responses, questions, business deals and new friends. I believe more and more in Santa. Christmas list, for those new elves; $3.3 m funding for the study of Mithokurdics, an Audi Black RS6 and $10k for to me to pay dividends to my family for christmas this year.

I met with my two c.e.o's yesterday and set the course of action. Gave them a set of tasks, a time frame, and an ultimatum. Anything other than having the tasks done is failure. We each of have 5 lines of business. 2 same lines for which to work together. My advisory service $100 a week, has been most effective. As we worked together on Saturday, I mentioned that our goal is for us to look for ways to work together on the ramp, to see if we can impact the our partners earning more money through better service. They reacted positively, which spawned the 90 day business goal of $12,000 for both of them.

As I see a miraculous light, Santa my thoughts are on directing my thoughts and as you see I am doing a good job. Income producing systems is a novel idea and a wonderful mission.


Friday, December 19, 2008

I am dashing through the snow, with my mentally focused eye. Santa, Santa, where art thou Santa. My vision of driving my Audi RS6 home excites me. It feels like how I expect an expensive business executive jet plane to feel like owning and traveling from place to place. I saw a banker friend of mine last night. Its funny how people just tend to pop up. The idea of communicating with him about the Classic shop . Easily put an acct exec on deck for sales. Since I have begun leaving you letters, my mind has been connecting and lining up business lines. $3.3m I feel it and its making me quiver. My physical training is proving fruitful. My basketball game is on, its great to be able to flex my muscles and reflexes again. Competition is energy to me, the slightest opening a possibility of the divine design. Alger H. seemingly created luck such that it was a divine design, or miracle. I understand that idea now.

My school - mithokurdics; entrepreneur ism at its best

Insurance - P/C; health; CD enhancement software
CDL A License : Driver experience
Retail/Operation Mgt: banking experience
Asset Acquisition: acquisition experience

My perfect stimulus package, $3.3m, the infrastructure I will build. A flexible experience that would be advantageous for the next generation.

Yes dear Santa the perfect position and situation. Disciplined, determined, destined here at your service.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Deear Santa

Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here [?]
Date: 2008-12-18, 12:10PM CST

Christmas is almost here and my faith in you is strengthening each day. As I have written a few times in other cities, the response has been overwhelmingly positive. So many like minded individuals with such amazing adventures of the past and wanting to deliberately create the future. Yes Santa, I am an entrepreneur. For awhile there I tried on many other hats - business consultant, business architect, salesman, analyst, stock trader, teacher, etc..to name a few. However, it was not until last week, whereby the name popped back in my head with such force. I began becoming acquainted with the term entrepreneurism again, researching the term, its definition, how its now categorized and considered in the world or shall I say my peers.

One who organizes and assumes the risk and reward of business. Not exactly the definition as in webster yet a good one for my current purpose. As I recount my experiences, my mentors, and startups I have never been happier than rallying the forces to determine if a venture can be successful. I have gotten quite good at accessing an opportunity, and dedicating myself to the task for 90 days doing whatever it takes to earn and create the agreed upon value. Most times its capturing a sell yet my ideology of never losing principal also includes the payment for my services, other times its building a system.

As I consider the world, economy, and the seemingly mess that big business has caused so they communicate in the media. I ask myself, well if all these companies are going belly up, filing bankruptcy, asking the government for help, I wonder where all the money is and who has it. Yes there are so many talks about Lehman Bros, AIG, the Ponzi fund manager, yet I can not help but wonder where is the money. Someone has it, someone profited...who and where are they.

Dear Santa as you know who has been naughty and nice, send this letter to those nice, wealthy, smart geniuses so that can extend an an olive branch of $3.3 million. No one can do any worse than them, and I too have lost money that has afforded me a wonderful business education, I too am smarter and determined to put more systems in place to secure my principal. Mr. Buffett says first rule of business is not to lose principal. For the longest time, or maybe just today, I use think he meant the money initially invested. Today I am beginning to think he meant so much more and the principal is really principle. Word play, semantics or whatever else you may want to red flag me about. Yet in either case, the media world is presenting a decay in both.

I have been reading resumes upon resumes, mostly to capture ideas of how to improve mine, to begin building my team as I know Santa will fulfill my request. There are so many creative resumes which must count for something. I want to find the best persons and organized them around my business ventures. My service to the world, just like Sam Walton, Fred Smith, Asa Candler. All men that created an economy within themselves which spawned an amazing service to the world.

Yes Dear Santa, I seek the perfect position/opportunity for me to expand and service the world. I have 5 divisions set up and ready to roll mentally and on paper. I love to travel, great with people, can motivate from an individual to a team. I get things done. My intent is always holistic yet singularly when pursing an agreed upon task. Dear Santa, be safe in your travels.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dear Santa

Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here [?]
Date: 2008-12-17, 1:34PM EST

As I have currently written in two cites, this being my third, in search of you---Dear Santa, I have for the first time actually read through many of the resumes of others looking for jobs, careers, positions and was quite impressed with their word choices. I found others out there for whatever reason, they are seeking. Yes it could be deemed a Matrix like concept yet I did find others I would love to work with in the varying divisions of my corporation.

I have been mentoring and playing a money game with two individuals for the past few weeks. The game is simply doubling your money, starting with a $0.01. The details of the game are simple so email if you would like to know more and I could email you the rules. In any case, while working with them I realize how so many people have know direction. Are just floundering around, similar to I, I guess. Granted I am working towards something and have both a mission and purpose yet I now understand how Sam Walton must have felt building his company...nurturing his seed as well every other great CEO and entrepreneur. They all mention finding good people, keeping good people, working with good people is key.

As I have been thinking about this letter to you, I been forced to really think about my character, strengths, interests, and passions. I understand the art of creating value through good service to all. That is what translates into sales, income, good will.

I recently began experimenting with a gifting program. You know the one, say what you will they work if you work. Its just like any business, you have to market, be creative where you place them, how you word them, and deliver a good value at the end....Og Mandino I am, and have begun sculpting my self sustaining business venture system. I guess it would be easier to swallow if I called it a subscription service, as the light bulb goes off in my head. Excuse me while I go write this down.

Dear Santa my christmas wish this year is $3.3 million dollars, $100k within the next few days so that I can purchase an Audi RS6, drive home for the holidays and pay dividends to my family and friends. As I enjoy Christmas as I have always dreamed, mentally free of thought about executing my plans with money for the next 4 years. The freedom of living the way I deserve, creating opportunities for others through my services. Its quite a beautiful corporation.

Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill all experienced the miraculous gifts of the universe and you Santa, so I know that everything is possible. The beauty of the story alone is priceless and will be a perfect foreword for my first book and a great tale to tell in yours. Mr. Johnson how did you find your Santa?


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hello Santa it's me again. With the new year coming fast I wanted to make my wish for the perfect present. My entrepreneurial itch is itching. I have tried other hats the past few months yet I not foaming. My last great adventure, I researched the transportation industry while getting my CDL, the day after receiving my license I jumped into a trucks with a partner for two months, took a month off to write a business plan, leased a truck and worked with for 90 days to determine how to make it profitable. What an experience, I will leave it at that. I want to build out my transportation company. I had an idea for an insurance product, so I got my license life and health, sold mortgage protection for 6 months, then went and passed my P&C license. I know how to get an insurance company up and running. I sold insurance yet didn't learn the operation side so I found a company with some experience that you pay for the list of carriers, they handle the back office and mentor consult with you which could lead to a buyout from them if you build your book of business to a nice level.

Santa does the law of attraction really work. I want to create a school of law of entrepreneurism - mithokurdics. Email me for the definition as it is becoming more succinct with each day. Edison got funded, Elbert Gray got funded, all these men with ideas and will power to do, I too have the same ingredients.

I created two CD systems :
1. compact disc software and enhancement - TI album - paper trail
2. certified deposit system whereby I earn interest off a different cd
everyday. I just like the idea of earning interest just for waking up in
the morning.

sidenote, if i could have thought of the idea of marrying these two ideas together earlier, I may not be showing up in an Horatio Alger story.

Income producing systems is my specialty--expertise if you will. Santa how nice it is to have $3.3 million given to me - no strings just digits of 0's and 1's. I keep thinking and asking myself, what is money; what is it really. Its just numbers on a screen yet it means so much. I watch CNBC and get caught up in the hoopla, I think Warren Buffett is a genius so much that I borrowed his web design, ideologies, read his books (and not the ones that are written about him, although one or two), his books 1.5...time, Santa you know the ones. Yet Howard Schultz, Tamir Sapir, Eli Broad, Frederick Smith, Michael Milken, Steve Roth...to name a few are some of the pictures faces I have on my wall.

So this year Santa my Christmas wish is to be able to drive home in my new Black Audi RS6 with $10k cash in my pocket for me to bless and pay dividends to my family and friends. Start preparing for my new year where I have the resources to have fun and live my life. Turn a profit, and a prophet, heck I am consumed with the study of what is deemed business -- that art of earning an income effortlessly and powerfully, while providing a way of life for friends, shareholders, partners, vendors, actors, etc...


Dear Santa

Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here [?]
Date: 2008-12-17, 12:06AM EST

As you know, I am an entrepreneur and I want the thought freedom to live the life that I have been dreaming about with a set amount of money for me to invest into my ideas and creations. As my business education rivals the best business schools in the world, and yes I am wanting to test the statement, my wish this year is $3.3 million dollars for me to invest $1600 a day for the next 4 years into my passions that rival Richard Branson and Warren Buffett. Yes if you do the math, there is a lump sum available. Have you listened to the new T.I Album, paper trail. Its a damn good album as it speaks to me on many levels. And proudly I would like to announce that Bandlink software(ehancement), my brother and I created, formed a company around and sold to the world, is on the CD.

Santa my Christmas wish this year is to go out and buy an Audi RS6, drive home with $10k cash in my pocket and have a great Christmas with my family and friends. I prepare for the New Year with the ability to do, study, and travel to the places I have planned with the first being Obamas Inauguration. That would be way cool to go with my brother, niece, nephew, and of course ma and pa. I know I am lucky.

Oh yeah Santa, the ideal job is what I want. I began reading Howard Schultz's - Pour your hear into it. How that man has inspired me. Would love to work for him, would love to start as a barista to CEO. Oh yes I have thought about it Santa as you know, even have an appointment Dec 29 - I have been a good little boy Santa so the perfect divine design is our motto.

Yes, Yes, Yes the purpose of the letter. The perfect job is what I want, with the perfect people, doing the perfect things - its just those things that we decide as people do. Okay the ideal world Santa, Alger Horatio where are you it is time to bless my world.

I truly am looking for a gig (and I am not saying gig lightly). If you could see my study the men I admire our all top notch individuals worth a billion or more. The one thing I learned from studying them and others is the ability to get things done. Not because they had to, they want to. My goal is to meet every single one of those men. Ted Turner, my men of men. How he inspired me so much to move to Atlanta when the opportune time was presented. I put myself in his circle twice, stared into his eyes as he stared in mine, I said thanks both times, he smiled and fell back into a girls bosom. How I go off on these tirades. So in my search for Santa, I am going to write these all over the world up until Christmas in hopes of finding my gift.

Did I mention, I am open to equity, cash percentage, etc...yet isn't this the time for giving nothing but 0's and 1's digits anyhow. The media is showing us that, besides look at those fools or geniuses pending on where you stand. I wish too I would be given blank checks and they are simply accepted them all over the world, just like american express.

If you have or know of an open position, remember og mandino.


Thursday, June 05, 2008

Benjamin Buffet Allocation - broke rule number 1 loss $1.09

I began implementing my CD income strategy investing $25 a day allocating the monies in 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48, 60 month intervals. I was ING'ed into rethinking my strategy as:

1. Can only purchase 50 CDs (I think they made that up as I got two different answers), hence I hit my 57th today. After conversation, I decided to allocate the funds

2. I lost $1.09 today as I cashed in all CDs that were 9-60 months. After calculating the interest earned, the yield, and new principal every 6 month to earn more income, the $1.09 loss will be earned tomorrow as I invest the cashed in CDs totaling 85.22 with the $25 investment for a total of $110.22. I may allocate the monies over a couple of days but you should get the gist.

The initial plan was sound thinking on my part. I considered being able to invest daily earning fractions of pennies. The long term goal and approach would yield a nice appreciation stream if allowed. So I decided to liquidate for a sustainable $1.09 loss of capital and invest for 50 plus days with the goal of reaching a monetary interest goal of $2.50 by the 60th day.

$15,000 would yield approx 495 in a day, twice a year or $990

Also I am earning more money because the yield was the same for 9 and 12 mos, meaning my money isn't tied up as long, reducing opportunity cost but incurring research cost.

I shall aptly name this Lesson number 1

A system such as this will be left for Family generations as a means to remove monetary frustration, lack, and resistance into their experience. The Family Trust. So in December-January and June-July let their be rain as the CDs principal shall never be touched, 75% interest reinvested towards principal and the remaining 25% distributed for the family ventures.