Monday, October 23, 2006

I began my study of physics. First book, The physics of Superheroes, its amazing. The use of comic book superheros to teach you physic concepts. I am enjoying it and have even found myself practicing some concepts.

Teleporting my ideas into an ideal framework.

Deliberate creation of a corporation that delivers money systematically.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

For those of you who know me and those who do not yet, I have been wanting to incorporate my journal writing to the web for many reasons:

1. To impart my guiding principles to my team, collectively.
2. Provide a platform for those sharing an interest, to voice their opinion and suggestions.
3. Keep those in interest abreast of my thoughts, projects, and books that I am reading as I
continue to develop personally.

As I continue to grow, I want to keep interested parties informed of where I am going so they can be aware and foresee any potential challenges or opportunities along our journey.

As I read approximately 3-5 books a week, not to mention magazines and other publications my topics will vary as my book topics.

Thank you for your time and patience.
